Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Being ProLife means having Agape Love

I have to start with two definitions.  Agape, divine, self sacrificing love for God and mankind and ProLife, supporting the culture of life.  What does that mean to me?  Those two words are the foundation of faith.  Agape love is the kind of love God has for us and is the kind of love we should have for God and one another.  To have Agape love means to sacrifice both for God and our fellow man.  This kind of love isn't a warm fuzzy feeling but a decision to place others needs higher than ourselves.  Because of this I fail at it all the time.  We are fallen and so Agape is very hard for us.  Jesus came and shows us the ultimate in Agape love.

To be ProLife is to strive for Agape love.  To sacrifice for the good of the other.  To do so we can't kill one another, for any reason.  We have to work for the salvation of all, especially our enemies and those who might want to kill us.  You can not be ProLife and blow up abortion clinics.  To love with Agape love means to inconvenience yourself in your giving to help others.  Which is more important, the higher tier of cable service or feeding the poor and providing medical care to everyone?  Doesn't it also mean giving your time.  It an be as simple as giving your time to talk to a neighbor who is lonely.  Sometimes I think that we find it easier to write a check but God wants us to put ourselves out.  He died for us on the Cross we can give up a weekend to help run a food pantry or build a house.

Most infatically to love God and to be ProLife does not mean killing in the name of God.  It doesn't even mean being mean in the name of God.  Hurting grieving families with signs full of hate speech is not what God calls us to do.  It does mean remonstrating those who are going wrong and pointing out what they need to do, but that has to be done with love, not anger.

The problem with our society is we have forgotten love and given up ProLife for what is easy and feels goos at the moment.  If we don't respect all life, how can we expect others to respect our lives and the lives of our families?  Until we all, become more lovingly ProLife we will continue to suffer from violence.

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