Sunday, March 16, 2014

What does God want of me?

How do we know what God wants of us?  What does he want us to do?  How do we discover what it is He is calling us to do?  These are some really hard questions that I struggle with on a daily basis.  Am I doing God's will?

I know that none of us is called to simply sit by inactive or safe within our comfort zone.  God moves us and we so we will be called to move.  But motion for the sake of doing something isn't right either.  Discovering God's will in our life takes trust first of all.  If we don't trust in God we won't be open to what He wants of us.  Second we need to be people of prayer and meditation.  Ask God to do His will in our lives and to show us what He wills for us to do and the grace we need to do it.  Then we have to keep our eyes and ears open for the call.  He will send messages to us through others, through what we read, what we see, and it will convict us in our hearts.

The next step also involves trust.  he will ask us to do things we don't think we can do.  We might be afraid but we aren't doing this alone.  He is with us and working through us, so we dont need to be afraid.

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