Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Single Vocation

I had an interesting thing happen when I was looking for information on the single vocation.  I ran into an article that basically said if you are not in a vowed vocation you are nothing.  It really hurt me to think that someone wouldn't value all the single people in our church who live their life for the church.  They carry out necessary functions that in the past would have been handled by the nuns or brothers assigned to a parish or another priest.  Today we have so many parishes with one priest or sharing a priest with another parish.

I have found that many priests either actively discourage or don't know about private vows so many of these people might not even know this is an option.  To tell them they have to be a priest, religious or married is an act of cruelty.  I do feel that you can't be half in half out your whole life.  If you are committed to God, with a vow or not, you have to be truly committed.  But if you are living your commitment then that should be honored.  Like other commitments it requires discernment, formation, and spiritual advice from your priest.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Reflections on a Meadow

When I look out into our beautiful chaotic world, I see order there.  It isn't the order imposed by man, it is a deeper order.  If anything the small order man tries to impose makes the world more chaotic and more ugly.  Look at a meadow, how it all works together.  It isn't a jumble of plants, it is an ecosystem that lives in harmony without our influence.  It is vibrant and full of life, everything interdependent on each other.  Life, death, and rebirth.  An animals droppings become the fertilizer for the seed eaten.  That grows into a tree that provides shelter and more seeds to those around it.  Then the death of the tree creates homes and fertilizes the soil.  I see God in that.

When I look at a garden I see our attempt at imitating God.  We impose our limited view of order.  We fail in that we only choose what is pleasing to us. We don't understand His creation fully so our garden needs our constant meddling.  Why aren't we happy with the world the way God made it?  Why do we think we know better?  We struggle against the Love he asks us to show each other as though my love for you will somehow diminish me.  We fear that God will as us to do something that others will laugh at, we think we are afraid of failure but I think that we are afraid more of looking like a fool.  St Francis was Gods fool.  I can't think of a better thing to be.

He Is Risen

Today I start a new journey.  For the next year I will try to discern what Gods me to do.  He is my Beloved and He gave Himself for me, I need to seriously consider what He is calling me to.  Am I to be His bride, or is He calling me to make a family with someone else?

I don't know the answer right now.  I do know that no matter what the answer is He is still to be the main focus of my life.  I am at a cross roads in ministry now too.  Other people are helping with the Youth Ministry so that isn't as much of a burden.  I am open to Christ and willing to take on whatever he puts in my path.  I know certain things call to me, especially working with the homeless, but in the past God has always given me something else to do.  We will see what His will is.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Gods Plans, not our Plans

My plan today was to get to the church an hour early so I could prepare for Good Friday.  I walked in the door and someone had tracked mud down the center isle of the church so instead of immediately going to prayer, I cleaned the carpet.  Why, because I saw it and it needed to be done.  That's the way life with Christ is.  You want to do something lofty and admirable but Chrit wants you to fill a need on your hands and knees.  Something humiliating or really humbling.  His plan, not yours.

The reward is the quiet time after gazing at Him and He at you.  We pray today in the Stations of the Cross "and do with me as You will", but do we mean it?  What if your family wants you to marry and have kids but God wants you to be a priest?  What if you want a simple life without any demands on your time but God wants you to be Youth Minister?  We can't say, then do with me as You will and then do our own will.  Of course it is easy to say so and so should really be doing more, she's retired, or you need to help the poor more, or why can't he do it?  It doesn't work that way.

What Love looks Like

So this is love, this is what it looks like.  Love isn't like what you see in romantic comedy.  It is all easy passionate desire.  It is pain and sacrifice.  If we really love Him we should be willing to at least put up with the discomfort of getting up early to pray or not having as much TV time or Facebook time as we want.  He did this for us, what are we willing to do for Him?

When the Bible talks about the faithful being held in safety, they don't mean from physical harm, but from spiritual harm.  Our bodies may not be held safe but our souls will and isn't that the goal?  We are told that if we hold on to our lives here then we will lose our lives in heaven.

This is what real love does, it makes us brave.  Loving Christ opens our hearts to even more love for rest of humanity.  That love makes us even more brave.  That leads to the cross, but it is a beautiful cross, Christ kisses the cross, it is what He desires.  Our cross, through love, can be made beautiful, but we have to embrace it and kiss it, and carry it willingly.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Bridegroom waits

Sitting here in front of the tabernacle I am reminded of how I used to feel when I was consecrated to the Lord.  Three times I took temporary vows and on those days I felt so beloved and protected.  I could go anywhere and have no fear.  I was the Lord's and no one could take me from Him.

On Holy Thursday and Good Friday I would sit and contemplate the Bridegroom, my Bridegroom and I was His lowly imperfect little bride.  I was protected concealed in the wound in His side.  I gave myself to Him, I was His.  I felt so loved, it thrilled me.   Ecstacy would wash over me, and all the world would fade away, except for Him.

I turned away from Him.  I didn't go through with my final vows.  Since then I haven't felt as close to Him, and I haven't been as brave.  I want to go back to that.  I will contemplate amend pray for the next year to dicern if that is the right path for me, it permanent consecration is the path He has chosen for me, but in the meantime I give myself to God.  I am His and he is my Lord, My Savior, my King, my Ruler, my Beloved.  I will not leave Him again.

And so it Begins

I always find Holy Week hard.  I know where it all leads.  I hate the pain and suffering the Beloved has to endure for me.  I hate that He dies and for 3days leaves me, and it is my fault.  I see the pain, I see the blood,and I feel guilty.

Part of me, a very small part of me, knows that I should also be happy, that along with the blood and the pain is love.  That this is all an act of supreme love.  Our God gave Himself for us.  That is unique.  While the God of the Jews and the Muslims is the same as our God, only our God loved us so much He died a horrible death for us.  That should color everything we are about.  The Love should literally shine through us.

As the Triduum begins I plan to try to look at His love for me and not get as bogged down in the sadness and guilt.  I plan to look for ways to then carry that Love out into the world.  Pray for me and I will pray for you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Loving your Enemies

Jesus shows us how to love our enemies.  He gave his life for those who betrayed Him.  He prayed for those who executed Him.  If we are to walk in his footsteps we too have to do these things, even if we not called to die for Him.

In the little things, we have to be like Him and not like the world.  Carrying a grudge is just that, something you carry, and it is heavy.  Forgiveness will lighten you soul.  In the big things, we can only do that with prayer.  We have to pray for those who kill us and terrorize us.  We have to put our faith in God and that in action.  We have to love them.  Pray for them.  We have to show them the way of our God, love.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Root of all Evil

Money.  Judas betrays Jesus for 30 pieces of silver and St Francis of Assisi told his brothers to treat money like dung.  We are all somewhere in between.  How much do you worry about money?  How much does it control you actions?  If someone came to you and said we need $100 worth of groceries to feed hungry people, would you say yes?  If not why?  If you say you don't have the money, is that true?

We need money to live, we can't really walk the streets of our town begging alms, though I know people who have done this in Austin, TX.  But how much does it control our lives, take away our freedom?  Do you want a new car or do you have to have one so those around you think we'll of you?  How about new shoes, new clothes?

I see Francis' point.  Sin takes away your freedom, if money does that as well then could it be a sin too?  Our at least is my relationship to money a sin?

Monday, March 21, 2016

How can we refuse Him?

Today I look at Him and see that He has nothing.  He gave everything for me, his possessions, his reputation, and his life for me.  How then can I be unwilling to give Him a few hours of my life to lead a group in spiritual reflection, or feeding the poor.  How can I say I've already given enough this week when someone asks me for money.  How can I be afraid to speak my mind in public concerning what I believe?  How can I refuse when a priest asks me help with anything?  A priest asking us to help is as close to God asking us to help as we are likely to get, how can we refuse him?

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sitting at the foot of the cross

Most High, Glorious God, bring light to the darkness of my heart, give me right faith, certain hope, and perfect charity. Lord, give me insight and wisdom so I might always discern your holy and true will. Amen. - Prayer of St Francis of Assisi before the cross at San Domiano

This week I invite you to sit at the foot of the cross each day and contemplate what the cross means to you.  What is that place like for you?  Is it a horror?  Do you think of how you put Him there?  Or is it a place to contemplate the love you see?  Do you see yourself and what you have done, or do you see the Beloved and what He has done for you?  Neither is wrong, just different.  If we pray to be more like Him, what does that mean?  It means the cross is in our future.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Serving Christ

Where do good world fit in our faith life?  If we can twin our way to heaven, why are we called to do these things?  There are those of other denominations who look down on us for emphasizing good works, so why do we feel we need to do them?

We do them as a way to draw ever closer to the Beloved.  We do this both by striving to become more and more like Him and by serving Him by serving others.  We can't make ourselves more like Him, He transforms us into His image.  We all have worked at times to serve others only to become bitter and unhappy with those we served, those are the times when we tried to change ourselves.  We didn't go with an open heart and open mind, looking for Christ in those we were serving and so it was hard and tedious.

When we go with an open heart and mind and look for Christ in those we serve, when we go truly to serve them, give ourselves to them, we are the ones transformed.  We are drawn closer to the one we love.  You know how you feel when you are going to see someone you love and to talk to them and be with them, you heart races a bit, you can't wait to get there, you feel a certain lightness in any work you do.  That is how it feels when you serve Christ in the world.  As St Francis said, that which was bitter became sweet.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

O Lord, make me small, make me low, make me humble, and happy to be so

O Lord, make me small, make me low, make humble, and happy to be so.
O Lord grant me the wisdom to see You in all things and to accept Your will in my life.
Grant me the grace, O Lord, to do all things in You and for You.
Let me find joy at Your feet and in all Your works.
Let me find the wisdom I need in Your word.

Make small Dear Lord and malleable in your hands.
Form me in You likeness and give me a new heart.
Grant me, O Lord a heart like Yours, a heart of love and understanding.
Make Me more like You.

O Lord, make me brave, give me the courage to carry You in all I do out into the world.
Give me the courage to speak and the words to say to those caught up in the world.
Grant the strength to with stand the blows and count them as nothing.
Lend me Your heart, O Lord, that I may love all, even those who hate me.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sitting at His feet

Oh my Lord, I am a failure!  I say everyday how I want to be like you as I sit here in the dark in the church each morning.  I beg you to make my heart like yours, but everyday when I leave here I make the wrong decisions.  I choose to not stand out, to not be brave, to care how other people see me.  I choose to make the choice that makes me look good in other people's eyes.  The one that makes them think of me while not making think I am strange.

I choose to give but not until it hurts.  I give enough to look good but still allow me to have a good vacation every year or a new outfit.  I am jealous of those who spend even more money on themselves than I do.  The funny thing is that I know what I want and I know what makes me happy.   You do.

I crave sitting here at Your feet, my soul needs this.  I crave meeting You out in the world and finding You in nature.  This makes me feel whole and loved, that makes me feel broken and unfulfilled.  Why Oh Lord, do I listen to the world?  Why do I not seek You continually in the people around me?  I could spend my day not thinking about myself, not worrying about fitting in.  I could spend my day in this church at Your feet in my heart.  Grant me Oh Lord that grace today.

I know Dear Lord this is what You tried to tell me once, that this where I was meant to be.  I don't have to sit here physically all the time.  I can sit here mentally and in prayer.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Praise the Lord Your God all the days of your Life

Praise the Lord all the days of your life.
Praise the Lord all the days of your life by how you live your life.
Praise the Lord all the days of your life by living your life with joy.
Praise the Lord all the days of your life by joyfully living your life in the service if the the Lord.  Praise the Lord all the days of your life by joyfully living your life in the service of the Lord by serving others.
Praise the Lord all the days of your life by loving the Lord your God.
Praise the Lord all the days of your life by loving the Lord your God by serving others.
Praise the Lord all the days of your life loving all the Lord your God has made.
Praise the Lord all the days of your life by loving yourself.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Violence vs Love

I think, in our society today, we have forgotten love for our fellow man.  Politeness reflects our love and respect for one another and gives us space to hear each other.  Political correctness is not really being polite, at least not the way it is used.  So often it is used as a way bash someone else on the head.because they don't know the right thing to say, and to make ourselves feel superior.

Knowing the right catch phrase to use also doesn't insure that we actually love the people we are referring to.  You can remember to always say person of color and still discriminate against them.  Words can reflect attitudes but they don't always.

Recently we have thrown all this out and have given in to baser feelings of fear, hatred and greed.  Violence is not what the Beloved taught us.  The beloved taught us to fight through love and sacrifice.  It is what the Missionaries of Charity have taught us.  Violence begets  violence, love begets love.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Lord, teach me to be Generous

I truly believe that God can turn tragedy into victory.  I wonder how many people have been introduced to this beautiful prayer after our beloved Sisters of Charity were martyred?  How many of us have been challenged in the following days by the words the Sisters prayed daily?  I know I have.  I pledge to add this prayer to my daily prayers in part, in their honor and in part because I need it.

I am not generous by the standards of this prayer.  I count the cost, feel the wounds (if I had any), and I want to be recognized for even the smallest thing I do.  I am not generous, but I do believe that we are transformed by prayer, and I want to be generous.

Think of the number of people who will be transformed by the death of our Sisters, there is the victory.

Lord, teach me to be generous.
Teach me to serve you as you deserve;
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labor and not to ask for reward,
save that of knowing that I do your will.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Trap

I am a hypocrit, if given the choice I would in the secret of my heart want to be acclaimed for even the smallest thing I do.  I want people to think we'll of me and this sin holds me back from doing the things that God wants me to do.  I am afraid that if I were called on to do something in the way of civil disobedience that I am too afraid to do something that while right might cost me esteem or my job.

I look back and I wonder, could I have been part of the French Underground, could I have part of the Underground Railroad?  Could I really give all for God?  Could I toil for Him in secret, risking all for no acclaim?  By myself as I am, no.  God will have to transform my heart and make it more like His.  I am weak and selfish, He gave all for me.

Sin holds me back, that is what sin does, it keeps us from being free.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Martyrs to Indifference

I sit here in front of the Blesses Sacrament and contemplate Pope Francis's words "martyrs of indifference".  The Beloved was also a martyr of indifference.  We was murdered for convenience.  People didn't want to change their lives, they wanted Him to quit disturbing their peace.  When I think of Him I also see the little Syrian boy who washed up on the beach, the people living in the camps.

This is our chance to feed our Lord, to give Him drink, to give Him shelter.  Imagine yourself standing before our Almighty Judge and Him asking you why didn't you help Him?  What will you say?  It wasn't my concern?  Of the hundreds of thousands who needed my help a few might want to kill us?  They were different than me?  Not the same religion as me,not the same color as me?  What will you tell Jesus?  What will I tell Him?

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Complicit by Inaction

I heard a story recently about how Otto Frank tried to get visas to come to the US for his family but was denied because in 1924 the US changed its immigration policy due to the modern eugenics movement to limit the number of Jews coming into the US.  This is the same movement that inspired the Nazis.  So while the Nazis did the actual murder, the US was also complicit.

Our actions and policies here in the US have effects on people all over the world and we have to consider those effects.  Our inaction can also have the same effect.  It is hard to care day after day or even look at all the bombings in the Middle East, there are so many.  It is scary to invite them into our country on the chance that one single crazy will come to add to the ones we already have.  But to do so means we are responsible for the results of the actions we take or don't take.

It is overwhelming, what can I do?  First, I can pray.  Have I said a novena for Boko Haram or ISIS?  Have I prayed for the refugees?  Have I donated to causes to help them?  Have I voted for those who would help them?  Or am I scared and acting out of fear and hatred?

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Defending what we Possess

St Francis fought owning anything because any thing he and the brothers owned would have to be defended.  In our daily lives we defend the things we own everyday.  We own our jobs so we defend them by being afraid of immigrants and foreigners who we fear will take our jobs.  We own our lives and so we fear those who might threaten it.  We own our ideas of ourselves and fear and hate those who challenge us.

We don't just possess things.  We possess, or try to possess nearly everything we see or think of for that matter.  Being spiritually poor is much harder than not buying a fancy car or expensive clothes.  Being spiritually also means not owning our idea of ourselves.  We give that to God, who really owns it anyway.  By doing this we are free.  We are free to love as God commands us to.  We are to change in the ways He wants us to.  We are free to die in the way He needs us to.

For me it is easy to give away the physical things I no longer need.  It is harder to give up anything else.  I need all of your prayers to become what God wants me to be.  If you pray for me I will pray for you.  I will remember all who read this in my daily prayer.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Reading what I need to Hear

during Lent every morning I am reading a meditation based on the Gospel for the day and everyday it is something that strikes me to the heart.  Today it is on peace and humility.  It said if we have peace and humility in our hearts then we have neither anger nor annoyance.

Work is very challenging at the moment and I obviously have neither peace nor humility because I am struggling with anger and annoyance.  I was trying to deal with the stress at work by not doing my morning meditations and cutting short even my morning prayer.  I know now that is not the right way to deal with stress because it has just gotten worse.  Imagine deciding to deal with stress by pulling away from God!  How silly of me.  God is who I need to take the stress to.  Being filled with peace and humility instead of anger and annoyance will lower the stress level for me and my coworkers.

Thank you Lord for reminding me to come to You and Your Gospel for comfort and wisdom.  You who are comfort and wisdom, lead me today, fill me with Your peace.  Grant me Oh Lord the grace I need to carry your peace and wisdom into the world.  Remind me, as You always do, to come to You when I need help.  Amen!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Hoarding Time

Today the text I was meditating on was about the Holy Poverty of the brothers of St Francis.  How they gave all for each other, not just money or things.  It got me thinking about Time.  Time is the thing I hoard.  It is obviously the thing I hold most dear.  I hate to give it up.

For Lent I give up things like sweets, but if that isn't what I value most and hate the most to give up then that's not what I should give up.  I need to give more of my time, and not just at Lent.  I need to be more generous with my time with my family and friends.  I need to hold it less dear.