Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Unafraid in the Spirit.

I am the least of the followers of Christ.  I know what I should do and instead I find excuses everyday to not do the things that God calls me to do.  I do what everyone does, I go to work, I feed my cats, I talk to my mother, I mow my grass on weekends, but that isn't what God is asking me to do.  God calls us all to be more than ordinary.  He calls us to come out of ourselves, out of our comfort zones, not just to do what our family and friends will admire us for, but what needs to be done.

As Franciscans we follow a mad man, someone they threw mud and rocks at, if no one is throwing mud and rocks at me for the good work that I do am I really following Francis?  I feel ready in my heart to work for social justice but I get in the room with those people who are doing it and I feel stupid, I should just pray at that point and let the Spirit guide me.  I know when I let the Spirit guide me He takes me to places that I never thought to go and my heart sings.  When I am living the life the Spirit calls me and moves me to live I feel alive.

It is so strange, when I let go and let God I am unafraid.  Not simply not afraid but the opposite of afraid, unafraid.  I am bold and full of energy.  People don't always like me when I am living in the Spirit.  When I start to worry about what other people think of me, I start to deny the Spirit moving me and fear comes back and so does worry.  I have to get back to living in the Spirit and allowing Him to animate my life, be unafraid.

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