Thursday, December 8, 2016

Humble before the Lord

I sit here and I know that I am not humble before the Lord because I bring my lack of humility out in the world, in here in the church.  I revel in other people's lack of compassion and mercy and pat myself on the back.  I am literally the Pharisee who stood in front of the alter of the Lord and said thank you Lord for not making me like them.

I know what He did for us and how little I do for Him.  When the Host is raised at Mass it is an indictment of how little I do for Him.  I intend to do more, always.  I plan on all the wonderful heroic things I will do for God and in my mind, because I plan to do them, I have done them.  I plan on attending this meeting or that rally and really getting involved but at the last minute, I don't do it, I am too tired, I have to work late.  If I do actually do something I planned, I long to be caught doing it.    I hope someone will ask what I did last night so I can tell them.

I do this and then I look down on another person because they don't do the few things I actually do.  For all I know they may do what I do and more but still I judge them.  More likely they don't do the things I intend to do but don't do, so I judge them.

Lord help me!  Enlighten my mind and show me my faults, you who have none.

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