Friday, January 6, 2017

Fighting the Good Fight

Once you awakened to faith in Jesus Christ, you need to follow the path that God has chosen for you. Start with prayer, prayer is the start of everything and not just memorized prayer but talk to Him and listen to Him.  Silence is an important part of prayer.  Listen to what God tells you by looking at the world around you and listen to those near you for God speaking to you through them.

Be wary if you focus on the sins that others are committing, it is a great way for Satan to distract you.  Do all things out of an abundance of love and compassion.  Those around you should be able to tell from your actions that you are a follower of Christ.  The shouldn't feel judged or hated by you because of who you follow.

Now you are ready to fight the good fight.  Go out into the world and make a more loving and compassionate place.  Bring the Beloved to this you find and have no fear.  He is with you if you act out of love because He is Love.

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