Friday, February 8, 2013

Preparing for Lent - getting ready to enter the dessert

We are one week out from Ash Wednesday.  Now is time to prepare for Lent.  Do you know what you are going to give up?  I usually indulge a bit more in this week in whatever I am going to give up.  Sort of getting it out of my system.  But what are you going to DO for Lent?

Lent isnt just a time of giving something up.  We are preparing for God to enter into our lives as well.  It is a time of Palm Sunday where God triumphantly enters into our hearts.  How can prepare  our hearts for God?  Add something to your life.  Many parishes have lenten study groups or bible studies during this time.  One i would recommend is Fr Robert Barrons Catholicism.  The production on the series is first rate, the cinematography is amazing, and the theology is very understandable.  Read more, pray more, connect with God more.  Store up your spiritual treasure during this great time of waiting.

We are entering a time of penance.  Which isn't a bad thing.  Don't think of penance as when you were little and got a spanking.  Think of it as when you got a shot of antibiotic when you were sick.  It is something good for you.  It will ultimately make you feel better.  Our God is Love.  He is not the God of Love, He is Love.  He wants the best for us.  Open your heart to Him and He will lead you to what he wants of you.

Go one this journey with Him, enter Jerusalem, pray in the garden, walk the way of the cross, enter His tomb.  Then on Easter morning, welcome Him into your heart with great joy.  But you have to walk the whole way with Him.

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