Friday, March 24, 2017

The Greatest of Commandments Mark 12:28-34

To love God with all that we are, what does that mean?  How do we love God?  Does simply knowing his words do it, or do they have to become a part of us so that they truly guide all we do?  What does it mean to love our neighbors as ourselves?  Can we exclude anyone?

I believe we love God by loving all He has made and trying at least to know His word so that it is a part of us.  His word should be our guide for our lives and not a stick we beat others with.  If a part of scripture troubles us we should pray on it.  Either we don't understand it or it convicts us.  If we love all God has made we should try not to destroy it.  It is a reflection of him.

We have to love our neighbors as ourselves.  Do we have a home, food, health?  Then so should they. We can not love them and treat them differently then we do ourselves.  They are God's creation and so reflect his image.  To reject them is to reject God.

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