Friday, March 17, 2017

What will it profit a man

If we try to improve our lives by not feeding the poor, caring for the elderly, or helping those in chains, our efforts will come to nothing.  I am not saying that we won't have bit more change in our pockets for a time, that may happen, I am saying it will do us no good.  Becoming miserly will change who we fundamentally are.  We become someone who worships money, not God.  We may still go to church as often and sing as loud, and read the Bible as much but what we do will be hollow.

Think of the difference between these two worlds, one where everyone is out for themselves versus one where we all love and care for each other.  One is hell on earth and the other the Kingdom of God on earth.  Worshipping money means not depending on God for our life.  We are so poor and so finite we can not see into the next minute, shouldn't we depend on God who is is all knowing and all loving?  Put your life in the hands of God and do not be afraid.  He is there and He will,lead you.  It may not be where you thought you wanted to go but it is where you need to go to end up in heaven your final and best home.

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