Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sexual assault is a ProLife issue

Being ProLife to me means respect for life at all times.  It means respect for people and their persons.  I can not destroy the body of a person in my womb because I have to respect that persons right to their own body.  The right I have to control my body is superseded by that persons rights, I won't die if I have to give them room for a while.

In the same way though I have the right to my own body, meaning I have the right, within reason, to control who touches and who does not touch my body.  Sexual assault and rape violate my person and therefore in my mind are not ProLife.

I know this is contrary to what most people who believe abortion is a right.  They think we don't believe in a persons right to their body but that is so wrong.  That right is so inviolate that it means I can't kill someone else out of convenience.  It also means that I don't have to allow someone else to control my body by sexual assult

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