Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Human Rights are Prolife

i have been thinking over the last week or so with the issue of Harvey Weinstein and what he did that really this is a Prolife issue.  Anyone who disrespects and denigrates the life of another person, is not Prolife.  Using another human being as if they were an object for their pleasure and not another human life is not Prolife.  I think that we are only just beginning to respect the life that God has given to us and to others.  In the past a woman who had a baby out of wedlock was shunned and both made to keep the baby and refused all opportunity to work.  We condemned them mostly to an early death in the workhouse.  We lynched minoritys and enslaved them.  We murdered Native people's

Only in the last century have we woken up to God's will for us, but it is a painful awakening and just when we think we are there someone reminds us we have a very long way to go.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Morning Prayer

Thank you Dear Lord for today!
Thank you for waking me up today to celebrate the beauty You have given us.
Thank you the beautiful stars, so bright, so calm.
Thank you for coolness of the air and the sounds of the birds and animals.
Thank you for loving me and teaching me to love others.
Thank you for today, help me to carry You in my heart out to your most beautiful world.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Jealousy and God's Love

Jealosy over the gifts of God is a sign of spiritual immaturity.  If we are joined to God, then we are joined to those who are also joined to God.  If we are joined to those others as part of one body and spirit in God then how can we be jealous?  We are all part of a whole, there is no need to be jealous, is the eye jealous of the ear because it can hear?  I get jealous but I am working hopefully toward joining with God and this is a sign for me to look for that I am there.  I am not there yet.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Only in God

only in God and through God can I become who I truly am.  Only by becoming who I am in Christ can I fully see truth.  Only by getting living in God and getting out of my own way can I do this.  I can't actually do this, God does this and I allow it.  To be the small petty person I want to be in myself would be a shame.  My vision of life is so small.  God will give me a big life full of things I can't even imagine, and because I can't imagine them I resist.  I get so caught up in daily living in the wants and desires of those around me that if I didn't start my day here with Him I would be lost in my own mask.  Without Him I would be so miserable and lost in exchanging one mask for another trying so hard to find the one that fits me, but none of them fit.  We are not meant to live under a mask, we are meant to live as free beings under Christ.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Finding Truth

How can we recognize truth in the world if we never seek to find it in ourselves?  Thomas Merton said of those who never seek to find their true selves in God "If we have chosen the way of falsity we must not be surprised that truth eludes us when we finally come to need it!".  Those who can not find truth or think it is all relative may never have found their true selves.  Until we know ourselves, who we are in God's eyes and strive to be that person is it a wonder that we fail to see any truth?  If we spend our whole lives hiding, we have to blind ourselves to who we are and in blinding ourselves we lose the ability to see anything faithfully.  If we can't accept ourselves, the one we know best, how can we ever have compassion for anyone else?

Friday, May 12, 2017

Becoming your true self

How do we become our true selves?  At this point in my life I think it is an ongoing project for our entire lives.  I am not there yet and what little I have found can slip away at any moment.  I need God to be even a little bit of my true self.  I have to have a daily relationship with God, I have to spend my day with Him.  I also have to be forgiving of myself.  I fail constantly and in order to not spend time mulling over all my past failures I have to ask for His forgiveness, make amends, and go on.  I could waste my whole life in regrets.  I have to be alert with my eyes and ears open, waiting for God.

He will send people to you.  Last nights get He sent me a young lady whose car wouldn't start.  I have been her and while I couldn't get her car started I could make sure she had someone coming and not leave her alone to worry.  God will send you things like that big and small that will make you life bigger than it would have been.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Our true selves as a reflection of God

Everything that God has made is a reflection of Him in some way.  Every tree, bug, bird, or person expresses a thought of God and therefore is a vision of God.  A tree or a flower or a bug is what it was created to be and by simply being what God created it to be is itself perfectly following the will of God.  A tree doesn't try to be a bird or a bug try to be a flower, they simply are as God intended them to be.

Human beings on the other hand are not content to be what God made us to be or do what God created us to do.  If God created us to be an accountant in a small town with a simple life with a family, we aren't happy.  We want to be more important, in a bigger town, with a wildly successful family.  We put on airs and we sin to fool ourselves and those around us into thinking we are someone else.  Instead of being saints where we are, we waste time being someone God doesn't know.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Becoming who we are meant to be

I want to recommend that you read Thomas Merton's New Seeds of Contemplation, at the very least read pages 34-36.  For me these pages hold the most profound idea, that we waste our lives try to construct this illusionary self.  We stick labels and experiences on ourselves to make us appear to be who we want the world to see us as.  We all do this.  We do things, we say things, we wear things that we think reflect who we are when they are really who think we are.  And it isn't just the secular world who do this.  Have you ever worn a cross so other people know you are Christian?  Carried a Bible and wanted people to see it?  When I joined the Secular Franciscans I was disappointed at first to find out we no longer wore habits.

We can not make ourselves, we have to discover ourselves.  Who we are in God.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday - Sitting in Silence

What a beautiful and peaceful way to start the day.  The birds are singing outside and all is quiet here in the church.  All is dark except the light behind the tabernacle.  Thank you Lord for this time.

I love you and want to always be with you.  I want to do Your will, and only Your will.  I want to be small and insignificant in the eyes of the world, but to be Your friend.  I don't need riches or comfort, I need You.  I want that enduring faith until the end and then to be united with you.

Until then I will look for You everyday in those around me.  I know a piece of You is all of them and it my job to seek it and find it.  I will serve You through them.  I will love You through them.

Thursday, April 13, 2017


I sit here my Beloved with You.  I am such a poor attendant left sitting here with You as your trial begins.  I begrudge the small amount of sleep I will miss sitting here with You who died for me.  Tomorrow I think I should get some great prize for skipping meat and cutting down on what it eat, but You were whipped for me beaten for me and then died for me.  Can't I wait just a bit longer, sit with You as You suffer?

There is no prize on earth for sitting here with You, I hope there is a prize for me in heaven.  I so want to want to suffer for You here on earth, to do some loving deed to prove to You how much I love You.  But I don't do it and by that I do show how much I love the one who is love itself.  I can only do the smallest things for You.  If You ever need me to do something great, You will have do it through me.  I am too weak and afraid.  Only in You can I ever hope to be strong.

How about that, I sit here with the one who loves me most and who suffered and died for me and I say if You want something more from me you have to help me.  I wish it weren't true, I wish I was strong and brave.  I wish I could but when I try I fail, when you help me I can do anything.  I think of the day I was in Rome and going up the stairs that you walked up to see Pilot.  I was about half way up and thought I wished I hadn't started.  Why?  Because my knees hurt, a bit.  Then I thought about You and what You went through on those stairs, what you heard, and I was ashamed.  What I did was so small, nothing in comparison to even what others have done and I almost gave up at a bit of knee pain.

I know I am so flawed, so broken.  Heal me Lord, make me more like You.  You who are all love, all beauty, and all wisdom.  Mold me Lord in your image and make me strong.  Help me Oh Lord to do Your will.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Pick up your mat John 5:1-41

Today's readings give us good indication of how we should act and what the signs will be that we are helping to bring to fruition God's plan.  We should bring the water flowing from the temple to the world.  If we do the world will be like a watered garden.  If we truly lived God's plan for us there would be no want or selfishness in the world.

Jesus said that came to fulfill and not abolish the law so the literal interpretation the Pharisees have of the law must be incorrect.  How could he law of a loving God allow a man to stay ill one more day simply because it was the sabbath?  We should be careful using the law of God to be selfish or to feel better about ignoring the needs of those around us.  Would Jesus really want us to make doing drug free a condition of giving someone the food they need?  I don't think so.  His law is compassion itself.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Leaving it to God John 4:43-56

When reading today's Gospel I thought how I would have probably continued to beg the Lord to come with me, thinking He had to touch the child to make him well.  I would have been disappointed that I had failed.  How often does God have a plan to work something in our lives but we don't believe because we had a different idea about how it should work?

I wonder how many times I recited God's plan for m because I wanted Him to work in a different way.  When I think about it, it's those times when I haven't been expecting Him to work and there didn't resist Him, that God has made the biggest changes in my life and in my family.  It's been those times when I followed Him not knowing where he would lead me that I followed Him most closely.

We need to allow God to lead us wherever he wants to.  Something may look scary or bad to us but if we believe we will take that leap of faith and follow where He leads.    I will do my best to remember this passage.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Not as Man sees does God see

We look at the superficial appearance.  We see the clothes, the house, the car, the family, God sees the heart.  We  can never say by looking at someone on the street if they are a sinner or not.  Just because the person is poor or is homeless we want to say that they must have done something wrong.  They made poor decisions or are addicted to something.  This may all very well be true but God still loves them and they may be a better person than you.

I met a man on a street retreat in Austin who had been a pastor of a church in Houston, he was offered a mega church but God spoke to him and he sold all he had and walked or hitched rides to Austin.  He gathers people on the street around him and ministered to them.  They formed a camp for people trying to get off drugs or with mental health issues.  Years before I met another man who did a similar thing but he gathers the mentally ill and disabled.

You don't know when you look at the person next to you if they are someone you can teach about God or someone who can teach you.  If you approach them with an open heart and mind, God will show you.

Friday, March 24, 2017

The Greatest of Commandments Mark 12:28-34

To love God with all that we are, what does that mean?  How do we love God?  Does simply knowing his words do it, or do they have to become a part of us so that they truly guide all we do?  What does it mean to love our neighbors as ourselves?  Can we exclude anyone?

I believe we love God by loving all He has made and trying at least to know His word so that it is a part of us.  His word should be our guide for our lives and not a stick we beat others with.  If a part of scripture troubles us we should pray on it.  Either we don't understand it or it convicts us.  If we love all God has made we should try not to destroy it.  It is a reflection of him.

We have to love our neighbors as ourselves.  Do we have a home, food, health?  Then so should they. We can not love them and treat them differently then we do ourselves.  They are God's creation and so reflect his image.  To reject them is to reject God.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Listen to my Voice

God says this over and over in the Bible and He has to because we have stubborn hearts and stiff necks.  Listening to God means being quiet ourselves and open and attentive to His voice.  I think of how often what we want is to know ourselves what to do.  We don't want to ask anyone let alone God.  I think we often times study the Bible so we will know the answers and not have to ask.

Reading the word of God should be a way of listening to Him.  We can't just read the parts we want, that was where Luther was wrong, or we aren't fully listening to all God has to say.  We also have to be alive and open to God speaking to us through other people.  He will talk to us through our Pastors but he will also speak to us through our family and friends and even the homeless man on the corner.

Prayer, quiet meditative prayer, where we open our hearts to God and then listen with our hearts for an answer is critical to listening for the voice of God.  Sometimes he will actually talk to you and you will hear Him but most of the time it is more subtle.  Look for it everywhere and in everyone.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Law of the Prophets Exodus 17:1-7

Reading this passage the first thing that came to my mind was this was just and introduction to the 10 commandments but in reality it is so much more.  The Lord tells us if we really are His followers, if we are truly just, others would admire us and want to join us.

If we really followed the commandments of God and didn't try to live only the letter of the law and then only the barest minimum, we wouldn't need to evangelize.  If we didn't listen to clever people who convince us that God didn't really mean what He said when He said do not kill.  We convince ourselves that racism isn't really stealing or that because we really want to our adultery was okay.  We  even tell ourselves that because we are "saved" we no longer have to worry about sin.

In Matt 5 we read whoever breaks these commandments or teaches other to do so will be called least in heaven

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Lord, how often must I forgive my brother? Matt 18:21-35

I imagine that when St. Peter asked our Lord if he had to forgive his brother seven times that he thought he was being generous.  How often do we ask the same question of our Lord?  How often do we ask that question after we ourselves have gossiped or told a lie for the thousandth time?

Forgive, or you won't be forgiven.  Jesus says this over and over.  When we pray the Our Father we tell God, forgive me only as I forgive others.  Do I only forgive those whom it benefits me to forgive, someone I need something from?  Do I forgive only those whom I feel really ask for my forgiveness?  Do I assume that because I am "saved" I no longer need to forgive?  At times I can say yes to all these things.

One of the people I find hardest to forgive is myself.  Certain mistakes I hold against myself and I have to ask the Lord to help me forgive myself just as I need His help to forgive others.  Holding on to grudges doesn't do you any good.  Forgiveness frees you up to love, it gives you space in your heart.  You don't have to keep letting people hurt you but until you forgive them, can you ever actually be free of them?

Friday, March 17, 2017

What will it profit a man

If we try to improve our lives by not feeding the poor, caring for the elderly, or helping those in chains, our efforts will come to nothing.  I am not saying that we won't have bit more change in our pockets for a time, that may happen, I am saying it will do us no good.  Becoming miserly will change who we fundamentally are.  We become someone who worships money, not God.  We may still go to church as often and sing as loud, and read the Bible as much but what we do will be hollow.

Think of the difference between these two worlds, one where everyone is out for themselves versus one where we all love and care for each other.  One is hell on earth and the other the Kingdom of God on earth.  Worshipping money means not depending on God for our life.  We are so poor and so finite we can not see into the next minute, shouldn't we depend on God who is is all knowing and all loving?  Put your life in the hands of God and do not be afraid.  He is there and He will,lead you.  It may not be where you thought you wanted to go but it is where you need to go to end up in heaven your final and best home.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Lazarus Luke 16:19-31

I have often wondered, the rich man obviously recognized Lazarus and knew his name so he knew Lazarus in life.  What did the rich man think of Lazarus when he saw him?  Did he think that Lazarus should get a job or say to himself if Lazarus would just get off drugs or alcohol he would help him?

Jesus doesn't say why Lazarus was poor, he doesn't even say that the rich man was condemned because he didn't help Lazarus, he does say that later Matt 25 :31-46, he says only that the rich man enjoyed the good things in life.  Does merely being wealthy condem The rich man?  I think it is more complicated than that.  Abraham tells the rich man that his brothers have the law and Moses.  So following God is the key and if he had followed God, he would have helped Lazarus.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Servant Leadership Matt 23 1:12

Today's Gospel is one that I hold dear to my heart as a Franciscan.  Being small, one of the minores as Francis called them, is the cornerstone of what he taught.  See, to be small, unimportant, and humble.  Lead as a job and not for your own aggrandizement.  As a leader you are the servant of those you lead, you are in fact then beneath them.

Loving Christ is our goal as Christians and in this world we can only love Him in others.  We serve Christ by serving Him in other people.  How can we serve Him in those other people if we are lording over them?  Live to serve and you can't really go wrong.  Serve and others will follow you.  Love and others will love you.  Do all this in Christ and you will serve Him and teach others to do the same.  Love.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Listen to Him Matt :17 1-9

"This is my son, in whom I am well pleased, listen to Him".  It funny when I read this passage I put myself in Peter's place.  He is running around trying to do the right thing, he wants to build tents.  That is what we so often do, we want to do something, anything for God to "win"Himover or to impress those around us.  We don't listen to Him.

The next thing Jesus says is to "Rise, and do not be afraid".  If we are with Him we should not be afraid to do His will.  We need to do two things, listen and don't be afraid.  We listen by making quiet time to be with the Lord and not talking.  We also listen by being alert at all times to the pro tings God sends us.  It could be a series of events through a day that lets us know that God wants us to do a task for Him.  It can be the stranger you see walking down the street crying who needs your help.  We have to lrelax and listen, don't get so caught up in doing something that we do our own will and. It His.

Rise and do not be afraid.  Rise, I love that.  He will help us rise if we are not afraid to do His will.  We have to be sure it is His will, or we will be building the tents.  If God never asks you to do something outside your comfort zone, you may not be listening.  For can we rise if we stay where we are?

Friday, March 10, 2017


Repent is something we think of being yelled at us by some fire and brimstone preacher, but in reality it is a call of mercy and a reminder.  In the readings for Mass today God reminds us that it is never too late to repent and that we all need to repent continuously everyday of our lives.

None of us is so Holy that we can forget repentance.  We all get angry, we all say foolish things, and we all fail in a hundred different ways each day.  God understands this and only asks that we repent of our failings, turn back to Him, and try to not sin in the future.  He is so loving and He truly loves and understands us.

He wants us, he so wants us that no matter what we have done and how we have lived our lives up to this moment He desires us still and wants to give us His mercy, all we have to do is ask for it.  Repent, turn to Him and do our best to sin no more.

He also reminds us that no matter how righteously we have lived us to this moment, if we reject Him he gives us our freedom and allows us to walk away from Him.  If we reject Him, turn away from Him and do evil, we are lost.

Repent, believe in the Gospel on a daily basis and times a minute by minute basis.  He wants us and will welcome you home.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Reach out to those who are suffering

Being Pro-life to encompasses many things.  It doesn't mean just being anti-abortion but truly being Pre-life to me means just that, making life better, not just preventing untimely death.  Making life better, being there for those who are in pain, who need to know someone cares if they are alive or not, is being pro-life because you never know whose life you will save.

I am thinking of this because a lovely man I worked with but had lost touch with, committed suicide last week.   He was one of those people who was so loving but had issues fitting in and in I think accepting himself that life was a real struggle for him.  I kills me to think that people treated him unkindly.  I met another man over the weekend who was so down on himself he seemed unable to see the beautiful work he did.  Everyday people around you are struggling with their own personal hell.  Little things you do can make that better, a thank you card for the church secretary, taking cookies to an elderly neighbor, sometimes just really looking someone in face and giving them a compliment.

Spreading a joy and not adding to the pain of those around you will make you happier too.  That love you spread will be returned to a hundred fold by Our Lord.  Ask him today for the gift of seeing others and knowing how to help them in their pain.  Loving those who are different will open your heart to love all that much more and compassion will lighten your own pain.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Sign of Jonah

We live pretty comfortable lives.  I imagine that if you are reading this you are better off than 90% of the rest of the world.  The people of Nineveh were also living a comfortable life, unaware that they needed to repent.

We look at others, Muslims, the poor, and other groups and say to ourselves those people!  They need to repent, not me, I don't do those things.  We all need to repent, and only God knows for sure which of us is the greatest sinner.  Concentrate on your own conversion, if that is real, others will follow you.  Ask yourself these questions, have I by my faith, ever inspired some on to become a believer?  Has anyone ever noticed something in me asked me wher my peace comes from?  Do people ever avoid me because of my faith?  How many times a day do I examine my own conscience, how often do I judge others?  This is your sign of Jonah, repent! And God will relent.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Finding he time to do God's will

My Lord, my God, my Savior, my King, what do you want me to do for You?  Speak to my heart and tell me what You want of me in these troubled times.  Help me Oh Lord to desire only to do Your will, to listen to what You tell me to do, and to have the strength and courage to do what You ask of me.  Dear Lord, help me to give of my time unselfishly.  I want to serve You.  I want to do Your will in the world.  Whisper in my ear what You ask of me and grant me the grace and courage to respond wholeheartedly, Yes.

During this time of Lent sometimes what God asks us to give up is our time.  It takes time out of our day to do the things He asks us to do.  It takes time to call you Legislators, it takes time to volunteer in a food pantry, it takes time to do the little things people ask us to do for them or that we know they would like.  It takes time to add prayer to our lives so we know God's will for us.  Maybe time is the real thing we should give to our Beloved for Lent.

Only by taking the time to pray and to truly listen to God can we do His will.  Remember we want to do His will, not our will or the will of others we want to impress disguised as His will.  Only through prayer will we find His will for us and then only if we abandon our will to follow Him.  If we can not give Him our time, how can we give Him our lives?

Sunday, March 5, 2017


Once we wake up to the injustice in the world, what do we do?  Hopefully we are aware of the prejudices we all harbor in our hearts for those who are not like us on the surface.  We have to start there be we can't wait until all of that nonsense is removed from our own hearts before we start working to make the world a better place.  Reach out to groups that are already doing something if you can, don't try to reinvent the wheel.  But start.

Facebook is not the same as really doing something.  Marching and calling on your legislature is doing something.  Getting out the vote and voting yourself is doing something.  Start, Lent is a good time to do so.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Lenten fasting and Isaiah 58:1-9

Wow!  Today's reading spells out what we must do when we fast.  It isn't enough to give up chocolate or meat during lent.  We have to set free the oppressed, share our bread with the hungry, clothe the naked and not turn our back on them.

How often to do sit at home and pat ourselves on the back saying how good am I, I am doing XY and Z for Lent God will surely bless me.  And what do we want?  We want God to make our lives easier.  God says our fasting isn't fasting if we don't take care of the marginalized.  Not only do we have to take care of them, we have to stand up for them.  Only then will our prayers be answered.

We can not make a better life for ourselves on the backs of others.  We have to welcome the oppressed and help the poor.  We can't kick them out of our country with the idea that we will save ourselves.  God hears the cry of the poor.  Their prayers will be answered.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Follow Christ

The humble servant of the Lord is not afraid to the Lord's will.  He knows that he cannot possibly do what God asks of him but believes that through God all is possible.  To be humble you have to be prayerful, if you are prayerful then you have the ability to hear the voice of the Beloved.  Humility and poverty of Spirit are key to following Christ and doing His will.

Being poor in spirit frees you up to follow Christ where He leads.  Humility frees you from caring what others think of you when you choose Christ.  Following Christ, not merely following your own desires and calling it Christ, will lead you to places you never dreamed of and to do things you never felt capable of.

Truly, radically, lovingly follow Christ.  Do what He commanded, love one another as I have loved you.  You will be safe, if not mortally then spiritually.  Our goal is heaven and Christ leads us there, follow Him and only Him.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Gift of Humility

When most of uS think of humility, we think of the person who says "Oh, no, I could never do that".  But in reality, it is the exact opposite.  Humility comes from truly knowing ourselves and our true limitations, excepting those, and allowing God to provide for our shortcomings.

The humble person isn't afraid of what they can't do, if God calls them to do it.  On the other hand the humble person is happy with the talents God gives them and the work He calls them to do and is not always looking to do something else.  The school teacher who thinks they can only be satisfied if they can be an opera singer.  To be humble is to be free.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

What I mean when I say I am ProLife

When I say I am ProLife I mean I oppose abortion, but that is only a start.  I oppose abortion but I am for giving women every help they need to avoid abortion.  I would like to see a day when maternity care is free.  I believe if we give women better solutions to the temporary problem of pregnancy they will choose those options.  I have never met a woman who wanted to have an abortion.

Being ProLife to me means giving kids what they need grow and learn and be all they can be.  It means being pro-refugee.  Life is life and we have to be brave and protect it.  It means being for helping both those in our country and those abroad.  We shouldn't neglect those at home and allowing progress to leave others behind is not progress.  Being ProLife means fair wages and making sure people have meaningful work and not just a hand out.  Life isn't life without dignity.

Bring ProLife to me means that we care for our elderly and preserve their dignity.  The end of life should be a time as meaningful and beautiful as the rest of life.  We need to continue to find ways of keeping people free from pain and mobile in old age.  Natural death surrrounded by your loved ones is the right of all people.

Friday, January 27, 2017

This is not ProLife

Yesterday I saw that a law was proposed that would legalize "accidentally" running over protesters in North Dakota.  The law was proposed to discourage the type of protest that blocks roadways.  Beyond what this does to the First Amendment, it is not Prolife.  Prolife means Prolife, from conception to natural death.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Today Dear Lord I will look for You

Today Dear Lord, I will look for You,
I will look for You in the clouds that bring us rain and bring life to the fields.
I will look for You in the pine trees that give us shade.
I will look for You in the blue sky and green river.
I will look for You everywhere and find a glimpse of You there.

I will look for You in the love my parents have for me.
I will look for You in how my siblings care for their children.
I will look for You in my friends, for they care for me and I for them.
I will look for You in how my little cat lights up when I come home.
I will for You everywhere and find a glimpse of You there.

I will look for You in the man panhandling by the side of the road and the woman in line for groceries.  I know I will find a part of You in all the people I see no matter their color or hat they believe.  I know You are there in them and I need to treat them as I would treat You.  If I look for You  I see you everywhere.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Love of God through the Perfection of Nature

When I look at the little bugs swimming around in pond water I give thanks to God for showing me their perfection.  They are perfect, they are simply what God created them to be and they simply do what God asks them to do, be little bugs swimming in a pond.

The tree that blooms in due season is doing God's will better than we do.  They are saints everyday of their lives.  We can learn from them.  A bush doesn't strive to be a tree and a rock doesn't hate the rose for its bloom.  They are simply as God created them.  A lark and a jay both give glory to God by their song and neither wants to sing like the other nor feels God didn't give them their due because they don't sound the same.

If we lived like the rest of God's creation we would have no need for jealousy or fear.  We wold know that God loves us and that we were doing His will simply by being ourselves.  We don't need to be taller, skinnier, more beautiful, or more talented.  We need simply to be ourselves to the best of our ability.  We don't need racism or xenophobia because we would know that God loved everyone and they are praising God by their lives.  We would live as part of the Kingdom of God.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Prolife can be confusing to some

When I hang out with my social justice friends they understand the dignity of life for those who are already born to some extent.  My conservative Christian friends understand the anti-abortion part of being prolife.  Only some Catholics I know understand my pro-life stance from conception to natural death, and what that entails.

Abortion should not be the cheapest and easiest solution for a woman with an unwanted pregnancy.  Our goal should be to make choosing life cheapest, easiest, and safest.  I never met a woman who had an abortion who wanted that abortion.  No one should ever feel that her only option is to kill her child.

Being Prolife doesn't end there, and it doesn't end with the boundaries of my country.   I am bound to try to respect the dignity of all people and to respect their lives.  This means a decent job with decent wages and benefits.  It means making sure they have their rights and they are respected.  It means helping people who need it.  Feeding the hungry, housing the homeless.

It also means at the end of life caring for elderly and dying in such a way that they don't need euthanasia.  They should die without pain and where they are comfortable and not alone.  To me this is Prolife.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Fighting the Good Fight

Once you awakened to faith in Jesus Christ, you need to follow the path that God has chosen for you. Start with prayer, prayer is the start of everything and not just memorized prayer but talk to Him and listen to Him.  Silence is an important part of prayer.  Listen to what God tells you by looking at the world around you and listen to those near you for God speaking to you through them.

Be wary if you focus on the sins that others are committing, it is a great way for Satan to distract you.  Do all things out of an abundance of love and compassion.  Those around you should be able to tell from your actions that you are a follower of Christ.  The shouldn't feel judged or hated by you because of who you follow.

Now you are ready to fight the good fight.  Go out into the world and make a more loving and compassionate place.  Bring the Beloved to this you find and have no fear.  He is with you if you act out of love because He is Love.