Friday, November 7, 2008

What I believe

I believe that God created everything and that He loves everything and everyone. I believe because of this all life is precious, especially human life because we were created in his image. Because of this I believe in the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. More than wanting to see abortion made illegal, I would like to see it unthinkable. I would also like to see those who are so passionate about the abortion issue also throw that passion behind abolishing the death penalty, ending genocide, and euthanasia. I put myself in that catagory as well. If we want to stop abortion we need to make unnecessary in the worlds minds. If a woman didn't have to worry about health care during her pregnancy that would help. Also if a woman giving birth to a child she doesn't want or isn't able to care for and then giving it up for adoption became the norm and preferred than that would go a long way to stop abortions. Sometimes I think that the Prolife movement can be too negative and devicive. If you aren't already in the Pro-Life camp they can be pretty hard on those who otherwise might be able to be convinced. I also have a hard time with those who are anti-abortion but pro-death penalty. Jesus thirst for souls and wishes for all to come to Him in the end. When we prematurely end a life we rob Him of that soul. I think if we start from a place of Love, trying to Love one another the way that Jesus Loves us we can find a solution.

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