Thursday, September 20, 2012

Blessed, broken,and shared

A friend mentioned that phrase to me on Saturday, that we are called by the Eucharist to be like Christ and so we are to be, Blessed, Broken, and Shared.  We are all these things but sometimes we are more one than another.  We don't have option to simply stay at blessed and we shouldn't skip to shared without being broken.

In the upcoming Year of Faith we are called to be shared.  While sharing how we are blessed might appeal to us, how we were broken and still had faith may be more powerful to the new evangelization.  How as someone who was broken we were also blessed is probably a better was to attract those who have strayed from the Church to come back.  They need to know that they too have a place in our church family and that we know their pain.

I am broken.  I am a recovering addict who whenever I think I have it all figured out I am reminded that I don't.  I have been clean for 15 years.  Jesus in that ime has become my friend, my savior, and my love.  Without Him I know that I wouldn't be as whole as I am.  Without the Church and it's Sacraments I don't think I could have survived.  As an addit I need Confession, without it shame builds up in my life and I am in danger of relapse.  God is truly my All in All.  Without being broken I wouldn't have known I needed God and in needing God I came to truly live.

Now that I have been Blessed and Broken I am obligated to Share.  I must share my time and talent but I must share also my reason for believing.  That at a time when I was at my lowest I knew He was there and when He knew I was ready he called my name, called me back.  He showed me His love and invited me to join His family.  Like the rest of the family I am imperfect but that just means we all fit in.  We all can enter the door of faith.

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