Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolutions for the new year

Our Priest today told this story.  The was a little boy and he asked his father, "Father if there are three frogs on a branch and one decides to jump off, how many frogs are left"?  The Father said "Easy, two".  "No"said the boy.  "Hummm" said the father "I know, the one frog jumped off so the other two followed, and now there are none".  "No" said the boy, "remember I only said the frog decided to jump, not that he did jump".  His point was that resolutions are wishes unless we take concrete steps to do them.  He recommended that we make concrete resolutions not wishes.  We should resolve to come closer to God, but instead to resolve to pray at a certain time every day, or to read spiritual books.  I really like that idea.

To strengthen ourselves for this task if we remember to take the Holy Child in our arms everyday He will strengthen us.  Also think if we are carrying the Holy Child into the world the Communion of Saints will be with us.  They are drawn to Him and as long as you hold Him in your arms, they will be with you also, helping you.

Today I watched again the movie "The Thirteenth Day" what a beautiful movie and a beautiful message.  If you want a good resolution for the next year resolve to say the rosary every day and so become closer to Our Lady, and so to her Son.

Love God with your whole heart everyday and carry that Love out into the world.  Show the world who our God is by how you treat them.  Carry the Child Jesus out into the world, when you meet anyone hold Him out to them and let them see Him.  When we don't show them Jesus by how we act, what they see they take to be Him anyway.  When we carry selfishness, judgement, hatred, out into the world instead, that is how the world sees Jesus.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.  May this next year bring you closer to Our Lord and so bring so many more to God.

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