Saturday, May 4, 2013

Laying our burdens at God's feet

The last few days I had been really struggling.  The boogeyman, so to speak, had come to get me.  I was filled with doubt and anxiety.  When I feel this way I see myself as unloved and unlovable.  Somehow so wrong that No one could love me and anyone who cared for me must have something wrong with them.  I get this way from time to time,  but infrequently now.  Before I came to God I lived this way.  I doubted myself and those around me.  I was too scared to lift up my head.

But one day, unexpectedly, I enter St Peters in Rome to see the art and instead God spoke to me in heart and let me know He loved me.  I trembled and cried.  I actually had to back to the hotel and lay down.  At first I didn't believe that He could love me.  I thought He wanted me and if I was good enough, He might love me.  Now I know He loves me, but I forget sometimes when I get caught up in myself.

This morning before Morning Prayer, I offered my Beloved my gift.  He asked us to share our burdens with Him, so I layer it at His feet.  Immediately I felt lighter but I knew there was more to come.  He had something for me.  In my prayer He reminded me that because He loved me, I was lovable and that those who love me are not wrong because He loves me. I didn't hear this but I felt it in my heart.  God can speak to you if you will listen.  He talks to us all the time but we don't take the time to learn to listen. He reminded me that I am safe in His arms and because of that I can go out into the world.  I may get hurt but He will be there to help me carry my burden.

The God of the universe loves you.  He loves you and wants what is best for you, He wants you to be with Him for all eternity.  Even if you have turned away from Him, He is standing there waiting for you.  If turn and go back to Him, he will run out to meet you.  If you have any burdens he will help you carry them.  In fact be like a little child.  Hold your arms out and He will lift you up and carry you in His arms.

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