Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Love of God through the Perfection of Nature

When I look at the little bugs swimming around in pond water I give thanks to God for showing me their perfection.  They are perfect, they are simply what God created them to be and they simply do what God asks them to do, be little bugs swimming in a pond.

The tree that blooms in due season is doing God's will better than we do.  They are saints everyday of their lives.  We can learn from them.  A bush doesn't strive to be a tree and a rock doesn't hate the rose for its bloom.  They are simply as God created them.  A lark and a jay both give glory to God by their song and neither wants to sing like the other nor feels God didn't give them their due because they don't sound the same.

If we lived like the rest of God's creation we would have no need for jealousy or fear.  We wold know that God loves us and that we were doing His will simply by being ourselves.  We don't need to be taller, skinnier, more beautiful, or more talented.  We need simply to be ourselves to the best of our ability.  We don't need racism or xenophobia because we would know that God loved everyone and they are praising God by their lives.  We would live as part of the Kingdom of God.

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