Sunday, January 29, 2017

What I mean when I say I am ProLife

When I say I am ProLife I mean I oppose abortion, but that is only a start.  I oppose abortion but I am for giving women every help they need to avoid abortion.  I would like to see a day when maternity care is free.  I believe if we give women better solutions to the temporary problem of pregnancy they will choose those options.  I have never met a woman who wanted to have an abortion.

Being ProLife to me means giving kids what they need grow and learn and be all they can be.  It means being pro-refugee.  Life is life and we have to be brave and protect it.  It means being for helping both those in our country and those abroad.  We shouldn't neglect those at home and allowing progress to leave others behind is not progress.  Being ProLife means fair wages and making sure people have meaningful work and not just a hand out.  Life isn't life without dignity.

Bring ProLife to me means that we care for our elderly and preserve their dignity.  The end of life should be a time as meaningful and beautiful as the rest of life.  We need to continue to find ways of keeping people free from pain and mobile in old age.  Natural death surrrounded by your loved ones is the right of all people.

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