Sunday, November 25, 2012

Is Christ the King of my life?

The kids in my Youth Group always ask for us to help them relate what we believe to their everyday life.  When I think of this beautiful feast day, I think of the cry "Viva Christo Rey!". The cry given by Mexican martyrs in defense of their religious freedoms.  I am not calling for an armed uprising but if Christ is really our King, then we are His army and an army does what their leader says and defends the King.

Do I do what He says?  Do I bravely take up the defense of  His Church?  Soldiers are brave and you have to be brave when your only weapon is Love.  Though one of things I like best about the Harry Potter books is that they maintain that Love is the most powerful weapon in the world.  No matter how hard it is to do we have to fight hatred and ignorance with Love.  Yelling at someone and calling them names will never convert them.  But if we learn our faith and Church history well enough then we can loving defend her.  If we spend time thinking about why we Love our Mother the Church and our Lord then we will feel more comfortable sharing our faith with our loved ones.  The better we know our faith the stronger our faith will be.

Today is a day to think about how we are going to march into Advent and the Christmas season.  Advent is coming of the light.  We sit in the darkness of winter waiting for Him to come.  Now is the time to prepare our hearts and strengthen our faith for the new year to come.  Practice loving this season by forgiving old hurts and reconnecting with anyone we are separated from.  Do nice things for those around us, especially for those we don't get along with.  The ultimate Love is coming into the world, Christ our King, make the ready by sharpening the weapon He gave us, sacrificial Love.

By the way, if you found this blog interesting (or not) or learned anything (or not) I would like to hear from you.

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