Friday, December 16, 2016

Real Humility

God is teaching me humility.  I have been reading great works on humility and agreeing, yes that is humility and patting myself on the back for apparently gaining in humility with no outward evidence.    So, God sends me dreams and shows my lack of humility.  He gives me dreams of people questioning what I am doing for Him and have been doing for Him with great pride.  Instead of listening to these people I get defensive and stalk off vowing to make them pay.  Not very humble.  The people questioning me are clergy and I look down on those who don't accept what the clergy says.  I need to make a change in myself.  If this is like it has been in the past God will continue to send me these dreams until I learn at least some humility and then there will be a real live test that I must pass.

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