Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Finding he time to do God's will

My Lord, my God, my Savior, my King, what do you want me to do for You?  Speak to my heart and tell me what You want of me in these troubled times.  Help me Oh Lord to desire only to do Your will, to listen to what You tell me to do, and to have the strength and courage to do what You ask of me.  Dear Lord, help me to give of my time unselfishly.  I want to serve You.  I want to do Your will in the world.  Whisper in my ear what You ask of me and grant me the grace and courage to respond wholeheartedly, Yes.

During this time of Lent sometimes what God asks us to give up is our time.  It takes time out of our day to do the things He asks us to do.  It takes time to call you Legislators, it takes time to volunteer in a food pantry, it takes time to do the little things people ask us to do for them or that we know they would like.  It takes time to add prayer to our lives so we know God's will for us.  Maybe time is the real thing we should give to our Beloved for Lent.

Only by taking the time to pray and to truly listen to God can we do His will.  Remember we want to do His will, not our will or the will of others we want to impress disguised as His will.  Only through prayer will we find His will for us and then only if we abandon our will to follow Him.  If we can not give Him our time, how can we give Him our lives?

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