Thursday, March 23, 2017

Listen to my Voice

God says this over and over in the Bible and He has to because we have stubborn hearts and stiff necks.  Listening to God means being quiet ourselves and open and attentive to His voice.  I think of how often what we want is to know ourselves what to do.  We don't want to ask anyone let alone God.  I think we often times study the Bible so we will know the answers and not have to ask.

Reading the word of God should be a way of listening to Him.  We can't just read the parts we want, that was where Luther was wrong, or we aren't fully listening to all God has to say.  We also have to be alive and open to God speaking to us through other people.  He will talk to us through our Pastors but he will also speak to us through our family and friends and even the homeless man on the corner.

Prayer, quiet meditative prayer, where we open our hearts to God and then listen with our hearts for an answer is critical to listening for the voice of God.  Sometimes he will actually talk to you and you will hear Him but most of the time it is more subtle.  Look for it everywhere and in everyone.

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