Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Lord, how often must I forgive my brother? Matt 18:21-35

I imagine that when St. Peter asked our Lord if he had to forgive his brother seven times that he thought he was being generous.  How often do we ask the same question of our Lord?  How often do we ask that question after we ourselves have gossiped or told a lie for the thousandth time?

Forgive, or you won't be forgiven.  Jesus says this over and over.  When we pray the Our Father we tell God, forgive me only as I forgive others.  Do I only forgive those whom it benefits me to forgive, someone I need something from?  Do I forgive only those whom I feel really ask for my forgiveness?  Do I assume that because I am "saved" I no longer need to forgive?  At times I can say yes to all these things.

One of the people I find hardest to forgive is myself.  Certain mistakes I hold against myself and I have to ask the Lord to help me forgive myself just as I need His help to forgive others.  Holding on to grudges doesn't do you any good.  Forgiveness frees you up to love, it gives you space in your heart.  You don't have to keep letting people hurt you but until you forgive them, can you ever actually be free of them?

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