Saturday, June 1, 2013

Prayer for an Open and Purified Heart

Oh my Lord, save me from myself.  Purify my heart from prejudice, sweep clean my mind from preconceived ideas.  Make my faith one that is alive with the logos of each new situation and person I meet.  Help me to see the new word You spoke in each person I meet.  Open my heart and my mind to all that is You.

Oh my Lord!  Thank You for today!  Thank you for the beautiful world that greeted me.  Thank You for the beautiful songs of praise I hear from the birds and rest of Your creation.  Your wind caresses me and brings to me Your perfume from the morning flowers.  Oh my King!  Teach me to see You in all of Your creation.  Open my heart to all my brothers and sisters and let me speak of You to them.  Let me speak to them the sweet words You spoke in my heart that set it free.  Make me Your instrument and play upon me a beautiful song to call them home.

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