Saturday, June 8, 2013

Struggling to know and do Gods will in all things

I think one of the hardest things for me is to seek Gods will in everything I do.  I am not talking about doing something that is bad or immoral, I am talking about something that is fundamentally good.  Something can be good and moral and not be Gods will for me.  I know that what God wills for me is what is best for me and that what I will for myself outside of Gods will may not be evil but isn't the best for me.

How do I know what is really Gods will and not just my wishful thinking?  So far all I can say is prayer.  I pray to Him to show me and then trust in Him that He will.  Sometimes I think that what He wills me to do is to struggle and that I learn from the struggle.

Not living life blindly going from one perceived pleasure to another is a truly better way to live.  To know that even when I do blunder God will make the best of it for me means that I don't have to live my life in fear of messing it up.  If I do mess it up He will guide me back and help me to learn what I need to learn and give me joy again.

Still, it's hard.  Is what I want today really what is best for me?  If its a struggle is that because it isn't Gods will or is it a struggle because it is Gods will that I struggle and learn?  No matter which, I know that he loves me.

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