Wednesday, December 9, 2015

What to I have the Courage to do for Christ

Would I even have the courage to die as a martyr for Christ?  Would I have the courage to suffer for Christ in a real and tangible way?  Do I have courage lose my home and incur ridicule for the Beloved?

 When I talk of being a martyr I am not talking about the kind of false martyrs we see today in the news who kill others.  I am talking about stepping out of my normal life in love and not worrying about my physical life.  The funny thing I might be willing to do that in an instant to save the life of someone else but the part where I lose things like my home and am ridiculed is harder for me.  Sustaining suffering for what I believe in is to me more noble than the instant sacrifice.  The long suffering for love that leads to sacrifice knowing no one will hold you up as a herois impossible without God for me.

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