Monday, March 28, 2016

He Is Risen

Today I start a new journey.  For the next year I will try to discern what Gods me to do.  He is my Beloved and He gave Himself for me, I need to seriously consider what He is calling me to.  Am I to be His bride, or is He calling me to make a family with someone else?

I don't know the answer right now.  I do know that no matter what the answer is He is still to be the main focus of my life.  I am at a cross roads in ministry now too.  Other people are helping with the Youth Ministry so that isn't as much of a burden.  I am open to Christ and willing to take on whatever he puts in my path.  I know certain things call to me, especially working with the homeless, but in the past God has always given me something else to do.  We will see what His will is.

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