Friday, March 25, 2016

What Love looks Like

So this is love, this is what it looks like.  Love isn't like what you see in romantic comedy.  It is all easy passionate desire.  It is pain and sacrifice.  If we really love Him we should be willing to at least put up with the discomfort of getting up early to pray or not having as much TV time or Facebook time as we want.  He did this for us, what are we willing to do for Him?

When the Bible talks about the faithful being held in safety, they don't mean from physical harm, but from spiritual harm.  Our bodies may not be held safe but our souls will and isn't that the goal?  We are told that if we hold on to our lives here then we will lose our lives in heaven.

This is what real love does, it makes us brave.  Loving Christ opens our hearts to even more love for rest of humanity.  That love makes us even more brave.  That leads to the cross, but it is a beautiful cross, Christ kisses the cross, it is what He desires.  Our cross, through love, can be made beautiful, but we have to embrace it and kiss it, and carry it willingly.

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